Friday, 31 March 2017

Is EDM Music Contributing To Drug Abuse?

You’re probably familiar with EDM, even if you don’t know what it stands for (Electronic Dance Music, by the way). Its a genre whose instantly recognizable throbbing bass sounds and synthesizer leads have even taken the pop music world by storm. However, in the underbelly of EDM culture lies an intense drug scene that rivals […]

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Thursday, 30 March 2017

Most Famous Celebrities That Have Died From Alcohol Abuse

When the topic of drug addiction and detox programs comes up, many people neglect to think of the most widely abused drug in the world: alcohol. Because it is such a common and largely socially acceptable substance, alcoholism often goes unnoticed and untreated. When this occurs, it rarely if ever means anything good for the […]

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Wednesday, 29 March 2017

What Does A Cocaine Addict Act Like? Signs of An Addict

What Does A Cocaine Addict Act Like? Cocaine addiction is one of the most serious forms of addiction dealt with in recovery. If you suspect a loved one might be using or even worse abusing cocaine, there are certain signs to look for. When high, they will exhibit certain behavioral cues that might let you […]

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Tuesday, 28 March 2017

“Don’t Even Think About It: Drug Addiction and the Dangers That Come With It”

We’ve all heard the horror stories. We’ve all been told countless tales of sorrow from people who’ve suffered through it. We’ve read so many news stories about celebrities that have been caught using and abusing it. We are all familiar with the difficulties, the pain and the struggles that come along with drug addiction. So […]

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Is SMART Recovery® a Moderation Organization?

By Tom Horvath Ph.D., Lorie Hammerstrom, and Brett Saarela, LCSW


SMART Recovery® supports (1) abstinence from any substance or activity addiction and (2) going beyond abstinence to lead a meaningful and satisfying life. Our 4-Point ProgramSM addresses addiction itself (Points 1 and 2) and quality of life (Points 3 and 4). Points 3 and 4 are the primary focus of discussion in many meetings. To remind you, Point 1 focuses on motivation to abstain; Point 2 on coping with craving; Point 3 on problem solving (when practical problems can be resolved) and emotional self-management (when practical problems may not be “solvable”); and Point 4 on building a life of enduring satisfactions (a meaningful and purposeful life).

SMART Recovery® encourages attendance by individuals in any stage of recovery. Those maintaining long-term abstinence will likely be most interested in discussions of Points 3 and 4. Those in early recovery will likely pay more attention to Points 1 and 2. SMART Recovery® recognizes that individuals may be in different stages of change, at any one time, across what is likely to be a range of addictive behaviors. For example, one participant may be ready to stop drinking but not ready to stop smoking. Another participant may be ready to quit cocaine but not ready to quit marijuana. Both participants may be drinking excessive caffeine and overeating, and be unaware that these are also addictive behaviors.

Even individuals who have not made the decision to abstain from any substance or activity are welcome in our meetings, and allowed to state (during the check-in or perhaps at other times in the meeting) their current activities and plans. Their statements have led some to the inaccurate conclusion that SMART Recovery® is a “moderation organization.” Despite participant statements about “cutting back” or “moderating,” the working time of the meeting is devoted to how to achieve abstinence and quality of life.

Undoubtedly, many individuals attending non-SMART Recovery® support groups are not abstaining but do not say so. The reality of any support group is that it cannot control its participants outside of meetings, only the meeting discussion itself. The meeting facilitator maintains a balance in the meeting between allowing participants to speak honestly, while keeping the discussion focused on how to achieve and maintain abstinence. Participants who have not decided upon or achieved abstinence will benefit from observing how others are doing so, without being shamed about their own stance.

We believe that our practice of welcoming all will result in more people achieving abstinence (or moderation or at least harm reduction) than if we have entrance requirements. Because we do not use the terms “alcoholic” or “addict” we are in no position to prescribe abstinence to anyone. We are an organization that supports individuals who have chosen to abstain (whatever their reasons, however serious or minor their problems are) or are considering abstinence (but they might ultimately choose another course of action). Empowering individuals to make choices is at the heart of the SMART Recovery® philosophy.

In particular, SMART Recovery® meetings encourage the discussion of slips and relapses. These discussions are often among the most profound discussions we have, as the participant re-connects with the deeper reasons for choosing to abstain. We do not keep track of length of abstinence (although participants are free to do so), partly because having a longer length of abstinence can discourage someone from discussing a relapse.

For individuals who are immersed in other models of recovery and styles of meetings, SMART Recovery® may require some effort to understand. We do not expect to appeal to everyone. However, our record of success and growth indicates that a sizable portion of people with addictive behaviors find our approach meaningful and helpful. If you’re considering abstaining from an addictive behavior, please join us for a SMART Recovery® meeting, and see if you find our approach meaningful and helpful to you on your recovery journey.

Editor’s Note: This article brings up several points I find meaningful: (a) 12-step is just a theory about reality, rather than being reality itself. (b) SMART Recovery® is not A.A, and uses a different theory and approach. (c) In SMART Recovery’s approach, we “let” people think for themselves, and we are not overly scandalized by free speech. (d) SMART Recovery® is not written in stone: we cleave to science, which entails flexibility and change, and we can tolerate ambiguities and unknowns. (e) Our methods are those people can use for more effective self-management, and “effective” depends upon the individual’s goals and values. (f) We are organized to support people who have chosen to abstain or who are considering doing so.



Monday, 27 March 2017

Fentanyl Abuse: What You Need to Know

Did you know that Fentanyl is more potent than morphine? And did you know that more than 2 million Americans are addicted to similar prescription opiods? If fentanyl addiction is something you or someone you love is suffering from, then there are a lot more things that you should know. We’ll cover all the basics […]

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Friday, 24 March 2017

Opiate Addiction: How To Successfully Deal With Withdrawal Process?

You might be reading this post because you want to get sober, but you’re afraid of your body’s reaction when you stop using it. You must have heard that opiate withdrawal is severe and you are afraid of what will happen to your body. Addiction & Withdrawal You may know opiates by many names. Vicodin, […]

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Thursday, 23 March 2017

Help Your Child Overcome Drug Addiction, It’s Lot Too Late

It’s a hard thing to accept that your child is making choices that put their health and life at risk. If you’ve started looking for treatment options, that means you are ready to help your child make a change, and you are ready to help them on the long road to sobriety. It’s a brave […]

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Wednesday, 22 March 2017

What Is Heroin, And How Can You Spot Heroin Addiction?

Heroin addiction can’t always be identified at a glance. An addict’s family may think their behavior is just due to stress, tiredness, or social alcohol drinking. Often, even if the addict is confronted about their behavior, they will not admit that they have a problem. Heroin is a drug that is not only illegal but […]

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Monday, 20 March 2017

Im Addicted To Fentanyl- Now What Do I Do?

After realizing that you have a fentanyl addiction, you should seek professional treatment. Since fentanyl is so powerful and its effects are both physical and mental, the treatment needs to address both aspects too. The first step, definitely, is detoxification. What is Fentanyl? Fentanyl is a powerful painkiller. It is also highly addictive and abusing […]

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Friday, 17 March 2017

Fentanyl Addiction: Don’t Wait A Second, Seek Treatment Now!

Fentanyl is an extremely potent opiate narcotic, 30-50 times stronger than heroin and 50-100 times stronger than morphine. It is used for severe pain, most often in breakthrough cancer pain. When sold on the street, fentanyl is often mixed with heroin or cocaine, increasing its already significant potential for danger. Abusing fentanyl, especially mixed with […]

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Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Fentanyl Addiction (Often) Starts In Seeking For Pain Relief Medication

Chronic pain is more common among women than men, and opioids like fentanyl are often prescribed to them to ease the pain. Many of them, however, abuse the drug by using it for a longer periods of time, way longer than their prescription allowed. In many cases, this prescription drug also falls into the hands […]

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Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Drug Addiction 101: Acknowledgement Is First Step Towards Recovery

Do you wish that you could stop using a substance, but can’t? Do you feel physical withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop? Do you obsess over how you’re going to get more? You are (most) probably undergoing addiction. Drug addiction is a medical disorder, and sufferers should seek professional help, which may include a […]

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70 Percent of Employers Feel the Effects of Workplace Drug Abuse

More than 70 percent of employers in the United States are reportedly feeling the impact of prescription drug abuse in their workplaces, according to the National Safety Council. According to a survey conducted by the NSC, 71 percent of employers agree that misuse of drugs have a direct impact on the company. This percentage also […]

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Monday, 13 March 2017

The Role Of Genetics In Addition And How Amino Acid Treatment Can Help

How Genetics Affect Our Likelihood Of Becoming An Addict There is no doubt among the scientific community that genetics play a significant role in the likelihood that one person can be more susceptible to addiction than another. There are specific genes and traits that will make someone more likely to become addicted to specific or […]

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Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Celebrity Rehab Success Stories Show How Substance Abuse Can Hit Anyone

Often enough it’s hard to find that push to check yourself into rehab, or to help give a loved one a nudge in the right direction to help them get their life on track. While there is the image of living life up like a rockstar and doing lines between shows, the best and most […]

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